2019 has come to an end, which means the color series I’ve been doing on Instagram has also come to an end. Is it completely rude to myself if I say - FINALLY!
I thought I’d just share a little reflection on this six month project, why I started, how it affected me and my process, and everything in between.
From the get go, both with my Instagram account as well as this blog (which unfortunately hasn’t been the most consistent), I’ve stated time and time again that they were both creative outlets. I started losing the light in my day to day life. I was uninspired and my anxiety was getting the best of me. So, upon reflecting on how happy I was during my college years and in my early twenties when I still blindly pursued dreams and hobbies, I thought I needed that again.
But this challenge while I started off confident, felt a little bit like a set back.
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